Energy Drinks and ADHD

This was something I wanted to cover as I do not believe that it has been discussed. Sure the pro’s and con’s of caffeine has been mentioned over and over but energy drinks contain more than just caffeine, so I wanted to look further into this and wherever or not it could help an adult who has ADHD. First we need an energy drink, and the one that will be chosen is Monster. Why Monster? Simple really

A: I like monster
B: It is not as expensive as some of the bigger brand names, yet is not as tacky as the cheap cheap brands.

Now before we continue I need to mention that energy drinks like many other things can be dangerous if you drink a lot of them. In moderation it can be helpful but overdoing it can be harmful. Also this article is designed for adults, it is NOT written for children in mind and it is STRONGLY recommended that anyone under 18 SHOULD NOT drink energy drinks.
Image result for monster zero
So looking at Monster it contains a list of ingredients which I am going to mention below, with details about what they are and what they do within you chemically
Carbonated Water
Image result for Carbonated Water
So lets get this over with, does carbonated water effect you and your ADHD? Well as I am sure you can gather no it doesn't make any difference to you in relation to ADHD. There are some myths on the internet saying that carbonated water can cause cancer and ruin your stomach acid etc etc, all of course false. The only difference carbonated water has in comparison to normal water is that it is slightly more acidic but your mouths saliva combats that. So in summary carbonated water makes no difference to your ADHD, it has no chemical properties that tie in with the disorder although keeping hydrated does help your body as a whole, the carbonated water in an energy drink is not going to be fantastic for that on it's own and certainly shouldn't be taken as a substitute to plain water.

Citric Acid 
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A natural acid found in fruit such as lemons, one possible disadvantage though is that citric acid can reduce the effectiveness of medication such as Ritalin by breaking it down before your body can absorb it. So this is something you need to factor if you area taking stimulants, as energy drinks could possibly reduce your stimulant’s. However if you are not using medication then this will not be an issue.

Image result for Taurine

Taurine is an amino acid and it is an important chemical for several of the bodies metabolic processes. There is thought that Taurine has antioxidant properties which means is may prevent or delay cell damage. So it has the potential to assist the body, which one study made a suggestion that people which had congestive heart failure who took Taurine supplements three time a day for two weeks showed improvement in their exercise capacity.
However please note that this is a lot of may and possibly, and a two week study is nowhere near enough time to be conclusive, so right now there is no conclusive evidence is taurine is helping or not. 

Bringing this back to ADHD studies have been made which suggest that taurine combined with caffeine improves mental performance such as by R. Seidl, A. Peyrl, R. Nicham & E. Hauser who you can view a summary of there work here, which does explain the positive aspects but with such small groups. Which is why this is still up in debate as to how reliable this data is, but it would appear right now that taurine and caffeine are what gives better mental performance.

Acidity Regulator  
Image result for Acidity Regulator

The purpose of the acidity regulator is used to balance out the acidity of a food or drink, which stops the sour taste. For example have you ever tried tasting lemon juice? If you have you know how bitter that pure lemon is? An acidity regulator simply balances out that bitter taste, meaning that the other flavours can actually be tasted. In relation to ADHD it may possibly affect stimulant drugs, by breaking the drugs down before they get absorbed, so if you are taking medication this is something you should consider.

Sodium Citric
   Image result for Sodium Citric

The purpose of Sodium Citric, when it is mixed with Citric acid is to work with all the parts which are to do with urine. It prevents prevent gout or kidney stones, or metabolic acidosis, and medically is is used for people who have kidney problems. Another part of what this combination does is makes urine less acidic. In terms of ADHD it should only have a possible risk if you are taking medication for the symptoms. Concerta for example mentions that it “may” interact with Sodium Citric, but to what degree depends purely on how high a dosage you are taking and/or how many energy drinks you’ve consumed.

Panax ginseng root extract
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Another useful chemical in energy drinks which has been found to be helpful for cognitive functions, and lowering the effects of mental fatigue. It does this potentially be increasing the blood glucose to the brain, so for a person with ADHD this is definitely going to be a plus. The risks are very low too, Monster drinks contain only 0.08% so the chance of getting any of the side effects like diarrhoea is negligible. That being said being such a low amount it may not get the balance right so it is not been 100% confirmed how much boost this will actually give, as the required amount for it to be idea is around 200mg.
Another factor to consider is with again other medications, although not in relation to ADHD but blood thinning like warfarin, as it has a potential to alter the effects.

Sucralose Acesulfame K   
Image result for Sucralose Acesulfame K

This is used in replacement of sugar, and is one of the most used and tested sugar substitute in the world. It is synthetically produced and is 600 times sweeter than the sugar it replaces, meaning that it is used at a much lower amount in comparison. The risks to these artificial sweeteners focus on is the fact that they do not satisfy the brain so there is a risk of taking sugar to counter this and thus obesity. There are various websites which say about various risks to using artificial sweeteners, which get to the point of ridiculousness, one such site is which even goes as far as to say consuming these sweeteners cause ADD. As mentioned earlier although the exact cause of ADD has not been found, it is most certainly isn’t sweeteners. This is totally unfounded, unproven and potentially dangerous to post. The EU food commission and the US food standards authority have conducted hundreds of studies and not one of them has ever mentioned anything of the sort.

Image result for Caffeine

This is the big one that everybody knows and of course is the reason why most people buy energy drinks in the first place. Caffeine has been mentioned in numerous articles for the good and bad effects, but I will of course cover both sides. What caffeine is chemically is a stimulant which allows the receptors of dopeimene to open which allows better cognitive function, and of course a medication stimulent like Ritilin does the exact same thing, (although at stronger amounts), so this of course is a key benefit for a brain which has ADHD. However the negative aspects that caffeine brings faster heart rate and higher blood pressure, so it is best not to do too much in regards to physical activities.

Sorbic Acid
Image result for Sorbic Acid

Sorbic Acid otherwise known as E200, is a preservative that is used to prevent the growth of yeast, fungi and mold in foods and drinks. For people with ADHD E200 can cause issues with the hyperactivity side, which is why children with ADHD should especially avoid energy drinks. For adults the hyperactivity part is reduced of course, however it can still bring negative effects to you mentally if you do not keep up a balanced diet, as always moderation is key.

Benzoic acid
   Image result for Benzoic acid
This acid is used medically to prevent infection’s caused by bacteria. When Benzoic Acid is combined with another acid called Salicylic, it can treat skin irritations which are caused by burns, eczema, fungal infections such as athletes foot and insect bites, so what does do to you when you drink it, especially in regards to ADHD. 
Well from research benzoic acid is known to cause hyperactivity in children, being that hyperactivity is a condition for ADHD in children it is another sure fire reason why children should not be drinking energy drinks. Risk can come if large amounts of benzoic acid are consumed, it has a risk an asthma. Now although that risk is mild, the more you consume the higher the risk, so as mentioned many times in this article, moderation people.

L-Carnitine & L-Tartrate 
  Image result for L-Carnitine & L-Tartrate

L-Carnitine is an interesting one as it works on fatty acids, turning them into energy. It is something which has been under trials as a possible aid to adhd. From these studies they found that L-Carnitine improves the blood circulation in the brain, which of course is a big help to get those signals around. The study was small but promising, in fact one site mentioned that food supplements may be as effective as Ritalin. It has also been mentioned that there are no real negative effects to L-Carnitine so this is a big plus for ADHD treatment.
L-Tartrate is more for the drink than the person consuming it. As the purpose of L-Tartrate is to give the drink a much longer shelf life, by counteracting the deterioration cycle. So of course what is the risks to slowing down time in the energy drink?

Vitamins B3,B5,B6, B12
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Vitamins as we all know are good for us, in balance, so adding these to an energy drink is an interesting mix when you compare it to all the other chemicals that has been covered so far. Each of these vitamins perform a specific thing for you when you consume an energy drink, so let me explain each one below.

Vitamin B3
This is also known as Niacin and is an important nutrient for the body, as every part of it needs Niacin in order to function correctly so it must be good right? Well yes at the right doses, if you have to much of vitamin B3 it can bring a dangerous side effect's such as, headaches, nausea cramps & even liver toxicity. However this would only happen realistically from taking high amounts of supplements rather then drinking energy drinks, so you would be fine with reasonable amounts.

Vitamin B5
B5 is also known as pantothenic acid, and it is thought to be a positive influence for the heart, and can be a benefit when reducing cholesterol. It does this by converting the carbohydrates you eat into glucose, which is used for energy.  This is of use for someone with ADHD as the glucose boost can be of great use when you really need to use your brain, since this gives extra energy for the frontal cortex. Other uses which don't particularly relate to ADHD but is interesting to note is, maintaining a healthy digestive system, assisting the body to use other vitamins like B2, and produce sex hormonesImage result for wink emoji.

Vitamin B6
This is the one you have been looking for in terms of ADHD, as B6 is required for brain development and function. The theory behind this is that B6 concentrations have been found in  the parts of the brain which is related to memory and cognitive functions. It also helps the body makes the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine, which is an influence to a persons mood. This though is still in early stages  of study and further evidence is still required in order to confirm this 100%. It is though looking promising to treat cognitive decline, which is of course something which we with ADHD need help with.

Risks however are low, with reports of high intakes only being a risk for potential physical abnormality at birth, but this was an isolated case. Still pregnant women should not really be drinking energy drinks anyway, as the growing infant would handle all the boosting effects of an energy drink.

Vitamin B12
Finally we come to B12, and this is a nutrient that helps keep the bodies nerve and red blood cells healthy, in fact B12 is needed to form red blood cells. Having healthy blood cells is certainly important to ensure that your brain is getting the best it can get is all in all this is a very important vitamin to have. Another bonus to B12 is that is prevents megaloblastic anemia, which is something you do not want as that makes people feel tired and weak, so it is an all round boost for your body.

Risk wise is very low, it has been stated by the IOM that there has been no adverse effects from excess intakes of B12. It does however have the potential to interfere with certain medications, but stimulants are not on this list.

Sodium Chloride 
   Image result for Sodium Chloride
Sodium Chloride is literately table salt, it is used as a food preservative by stopping the growth of microbial, which is what spoils food or in this case drinks. The risks that it may possess is with high blood pressure, liver disease and potential heart failure. This though of course comes down to the amount consumed.

Image result for Glucuronolactone

Glucuronolactone is thought to be able to fight off fatigue and provide a sense of well being. It is naturally produced by the liver when glucose is converted. A Japanese study found that Glucuronolactone extended the amount of time animals that had been given Glucuronolactone were able to swim for more extended times than without.

Risk is a little sketchy though, there was results found from when American soldiers  who were given high amounts of Glucuronolactone experienced  hallucinations and brain tumors, but this was later proved unfounded. So once again, the safety is in minimal consumption.

Guarana Seed Extract
  Image result for Guarana Seed
Caffeine and guarana is one of the same in terms of the chemical make up. The difference however is the release. guarana is a slow release in regards to caffeine so it assists in keeping energy up for hours rather than a short burst, as guarana works just like purified caffeine. The difference however is that guarana brings additional benefits as well as keeping you awake. Studies have found for example that guarana can treat diarrhoea, suppress appetites and reduce cholesterol. So guarana does have a range on benefits on its own but what about risks?
Well being so similar to caffeine it also brings with it the same potential risks, especially as it has twice the potency that coffee beans has. So it would be a risk to pregnant women and breast feeding, as well as hyperactivity and could  increased anxiety. However except for pregnancy the risks would only be apparent if you consumed over 2000mg per kg of body weight, so of course drinking far to many is where the risks come from, and with no evidence of prolong use being dangerous it is a potential alternative to medical stimulants which does have a risk of addiction.

  Image result for Inositol

Inositol is a carbohydrate which is made from the glucose that the body produces naturally. Inositol is unofficially a member of the B vitamin group, which we have already covered, and the supplementation of Inositol has been found to bring positive effects such as lower depression and panic attacks, which are sometimes side issues that come with ADHD. Inositol is a chemical that the brains neurotransmitters use to properly function so in the correct amounts it is like Inositol was made for ADHD.
However if you took Inositol on it's own you would get side effects such as feeling tired and run down, thus is why stimulant boosters such as caffeine and guarana are included in energy drinks.

Sugared Version of Energy Drinks
So you may have noted that I have used a sugar free version of Monster and that again is down to personal preference rather than requirements, as sugar in your drinks (if in moderation) can actually benefit the ADHD mind. As per the research by Dr Barkley sugar creates blood glucose which in the right amounts can give a boost to executive functions in your brain, which means that your cognitive abilities that control and regulate other abilities (such as recalling from memory in an exam for example), gets a much needed boost.
Now that is not to say you should be drinking constantly sugary drinks, but if you are trying to perform a task which is extensive to the brains functions then sipping a drink over the period can give that much needed boost and allow higher levels of function. But of course moderation is the key to this so as to not harm the rest of the body which we have all been told about many times over.
Image result for monster lewis hamilton
Now to continue using Monster and thus similar ingredients I am now going to cover the parts which the sugar free version does not have.

  Image result for Sucrose
Sucrose is the chemical name for table sugar, and is made of glucose and fructose. It get absorbed directly into the bloodstream when digested which can then power blood cells. Glucose is the main form of energy in human beings so it does of course have use. However too much of this can cause fat stores to mount bringing of course obesity, so taking more glucose then needed is of course a health risk.

Glucose Syrup 
 Image result for Glucose Syrup
Even more sugar, this syrup is made typically from maize (corn), but can also be make from potatoes and wheat as an example. This syrup is nearly pure glucose which is as mentioned already the main form of energy in the human body, and in energy drinks it is used as another form of sweetener.
Risks are pretty high with this, as it takes a lot more for your body to get rid of Glucose Syrup and consuming a high amount of this can cause diabetes, especially if you do not balance out with fibre in your diet.

Tartaric Acid
Image result for Tartaric Acid  
Tartaric Acid otherwise known as cream of tartar is an organic acid that occurs naturally in many fruits such as grapes and bananas, and it also occurs naturally during the process of turning grapes into wine. The use it has is an anti oxidant, likely to be added to try counter the previous two ingredients. The risk to consuming tartaric acid is low in energy drinks wise. It does have the ability to cause paralysis and death, however in order to get to that you would need 500g of pure tartaric acid and nothing else mixed with it. Needless to say the amount that is in a can of Monster is so small that you would need to drink 30 cans plus in one go, and if you did do that the caffeine and sugar would kill you long before the tartaric acid.

Image result for Erythritol
So you have table sugar, you have glucose syrup and now you have a sweetener. Erythritol is a natural zero calorie sweetener which ironically is used by people to decrease the amount of sugar they are consuming, and the reason why it is zero calorie is because the body cant break it down, much like sweetcorn.

Anyway it is made of GMO cornstarch and it is known to cause upset stomachs and diarrhea at around 50 grams or more per day. Apart from making things taste sweeter it has no further use, and should not effect ADHD in anyway. However as always high amounts can cause you other issues.

Sodium  Bicarbonate 
  Image result for Sodium Bicarbonate
So far every ingredient that has been mentioned in the sugar version of Monster has not sounded great, sodium bicarbonate, is different however. Otherwise known as Baking soda this chemical is found in all living things, and has a great use in helping to balance out your bodies chemistry, which is fantastic for your own internal healing system. Sodium bicarbonate is really useful for treating heartburn or indigestion, which ironically can be caused by some of the chemicals found in energy drinks. In fact being an antacid it is also good for neutralizing stomach acid and thus reducing acid reflux, as well as reducing inflammation and boosting energy.
In terms of ADHD Sodium Bicarbonate may increase the absorption of prescribed drugs that treat ADHD, which is a useful if you are taking medication and use Sodium Bicarbonate on it's own. However this got 100% approval, and in balance with everything else that is covered in these drinks, is not a high positive, to consider.
The risks again come from over consumption, where Sodium Bicarbonate on it's own can potentially cause increased thirst and stomach aches. It is also noted that if you are suffering from liver or kidney disease or have high blood pressure you should not drink baking soda (but on that note should you drink energy drinks with high blood pressure?)
So Sodium Bicarbonate, is a good chemical to have as long and it is likely there to balance out the acid that resides in energy drinks.

Magnesium Carbonate  
Image result for Magnesium Carbonate
This is a type of magnesium which is required in the human bodies in small amounts, in order to maintain a healthy balance. The human body needs only 310 to 420 milligrams a day, and this will form proteins, regulate blood sugar and pressure levels, and helps with nerve and muscle function, so in the right amount it can be really helpful.
In relation to ADHD magnesium carbonate is really useful for reducing hyperactivity and and distraction, it also lowers stress levels in the body so all in all a very useful chemical in the right amounts.
Again like before to balance there is of course risks to consider, and although the chance of side effects from magnesium carbonate is very low and is unlikely from an energy drink. However just for educational purposes let me explain what would happen, if you took high amounts of magnesium carbonate. In high amounts magnesium carbonate can cause blockage to the intestines irregular heartbeat, and even heart attacks. This though would happen if you took a large amount of magnesium carbonate on it's own.

  Image result for Anthocyanins
Anthocyanins is used for colouring and is created naturally, rather than synthetic colouring which can negatively effect a person health wise. The high colouring power of Anthocyanins with low toxicity and of course it is water soluble, so it makes it an ideal solution for colouring within an energy drink. It is created from different fruits such as blackcurrant's for example, so it is a naturally occurring chemical which has in the past been used as a natural remedy for things such as high blood pressure, which of course is a possible risk to drinking energy drinks.
Another important thing that anthocyanins has is the ability to improve cognitive function. It does this by improving the nervous system which carries signals to and from your brain, whilst helping to prevent neurodegeneration, which is when structure of your brains neurones starts to decay and that is when serious issues such as Alzheimer's comes into play.
This has been scientifically proven in experiments using mice and it was proven that the cognitive functions were improved as well as reduction in cell damage in the brain, after a high arthocynanin content was given using extracts from blueberries. It was also shown the reversal of damaged memory and motor functions.
The best part though is there has been no negative effects found in arthocynanin, so it is an all round win. However the amount that is in energy drinks is not likely going to give you as big a boost, compared to taking arthocynanin on it's own. It is more likely going to play a part in counter acting the negative effects more, but it is interesting to note and maybe taking arthocynanin as a supplement is a worthwhile thing to consider
On a side note, I wanted to write the sugared version despite the strong negatives pointed out at the start, so that you could see all the extra things you have to consider when using energy drinks to relieve your ADHD symptoms. Personally I stick to the sugar free versions and found that after a long while of not drinking sugar free drinks I can't tolerate sugared drinks as well as before. However this is my own personal view, and drinking the sugared version is perfectly acceptable, as long as you drink the correct amounts and do not over do it. Remember a balanced diet is the most important thing to consider.

So as you have read there are some potential effects to consuming energy drinks, good and bad. One of the largest issues that my happen is if you are taking medication already then it is advisable you avoid energy drinks as the chemical’s inside these drinks do have the potential to negatively effect the medication and either over stimulate, or even stop the medication working correctly to it’s full potential. If however you are not taking anything for ADHD then energy drinks do have the potential to help maintain a much needed focus and drive which is something a person with the disorder of course lacks.
An issue though which of course can’t be avoided is the risks that energy drinks brings, especially to the heart. A study conducted by Dr Emily Fletcher who studied a controlled group (which the findings can be found here), found that blood pressure was still mildly elevated after six hours of consuming, and recommended that energy drinks should not be consumed before or during physical exercise, due to of course the elevated blood pressure. This then brings it back to balance, and the sensible use of energy drinks. If you were going to do heavy physical activity then a sports drink or even water is the most appropriate drink to consume, as it would hydrate your body allowing you to perform. If however you are working on something where the work is mentally requiring, such as working in an office or perhaps in university, where the physical side is at minimum, and you are not already taking medication, then energy drinks has a potential use.
That said of course in moderation, so that you are not drinking an energy drink every six hours, rather when you need it to obtain the highest focus possible. So treat energy drinks the same as you would with drugs prescribed to you by a doctor. You wouldn't grab a handful of pills and take them in one go, you would take one or two at the right times. So with energy drinks if you just used them when you need extra concentration, you would get the benefits without as mush risk.

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