Wednesday, July 18, 2018

ADHD and Depression

So I recently added a page discussing about ADHD and depression. When you see this page it might seem a little odd at first as I talk about first a way to deal with depression without medication, and then go into the medication. Why I have gone this way round is because of the way I understand depression, and I wanted to first put in an explanation about that before covering the way everybody is told about. Depression is a very real thing and when you have ADHD it will come and go sometimes without any reason, and it can really start to make you feel worse about yourself.

However if you first realise that the reason for your low mood and depression is not always external factors, but instead a chemical imbalance in the brain, you can really start to take control. It was through random clicking on YouTube vids is the reason why I learnt to separate myself from my brains activities and it was something that really helped in taking control for myself. I have put in the page the details of one of these YouTube vids I watched to start this controlling process, which is from an Indian Mystic.

I know some people who read this will start throwing up barriers saying "Pseudo-Science" "It isn't real" etc but I ask that you look at this with an open mind. This is not something dangerous like some idiots who say bleach will "cure" autism. I would never post anything that was reckless or dangerous, I am just offering free advice on a method for controlling the depression that can come with ADHD from my own experience. It will cost you nothing, you won't need to let anyone that you're trying this, and if it doesn't work for you then you've lost nothing.

This, of course, is no wonder cure method but from learning how to distance myself from my mind's activity, not only have I lowered my own depression, but I have also found ways to take control of my everyday life, as best that I can. Like I said this is no wonder cure that just doesn't exist, instead, it is just one further way to aid yourself.

One last thing to note, if you are on medication for depression, that doesn't mean you've failed in any way. Everybody is different and sometimes it can be just too difficult to manage especially that external factors can play a large part in depression. But if the methods mentioned can help you then I have achieved my aim posting the page 😀

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